WAYFless Linking for OpenAthens Issues
Trouble with OpenAthens?
Try using a WAYFLess URL!
You can link directly to our sites without having to use the 'Where Are You From' (WAYF) page. The WAYFless URL will provide you with a direct link for Shibboleth authentication to the corresponding sites.
You will need your OpenAthens entity ID to create a WAYFless URL. If you're an institutional admin, find your entity ID on Sitemanager. If you're another user, you can ask your librarian or do a search on Google.
To create a WAYFless URL, please follow the instructions below:
Medical Access sites:
(Where it says https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com, type the medical access site that you would like to access. Where it says ENTITYID, enter your OpenAthens entity ID.)
Example: https://mhmedical.com/SignInShibboleth.aspx?view=handler&redirecturl=https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com&entityID=ENTITYID
You can also direct users to specific content on the Access site by replacing the red URL above with the URL of a particular book on the site.
eBook Library:
Test Prep sites:
- https://www.usmle-easy.com/athensHome?entityID=<ENTITYID>
PA Exam Prep:
- https://www.paexamprep.com/athensHome?entityID=<ENTITYID>
- https://www.radreviewmhe.com/athensHome?entityID=<ENTITYID>
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