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Linking to Content
The most effective way to assign readings or multimedia to your students is to link directly from your course outline or institution’s Learning Management System (LMS). This video will show you the 3 types of linking available: link to a Part, link to a Chapter, or link to a Section. These links are formally known as durable URLs which will continue to work even if an older edition is no longer available. We’ll demonstrate how to accomplish this using BlackBoard as our Learning Management System example.
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Activity Reports Template Instructions Video
AccessWorldMed, AccessAnesthesiology, AccessAPN, AccessCardiology, AccessDermatologyDxRx , AccessHemOnc, AccessEmergency Medicine, AccessMedicina, AccessMedicine, AccessNeurology, AccessObGyn, AccessPediatrics, AccessPharmacy, AccessPhysiotherapy, AccessSurgery, Case Files Collection, Clinical Sports Medicine Collection, F.A. Davis Athletic Training Collection, F.A. Davis PT Collection, JAMAevidence, Murtagh Collection, OMMBID, FAQ
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