D.A. Saia Answers FAQs about RadReview
Learn about the content review process and what sets the site apart from the competitors in this brief interview with RadReview Editor-in-Chief, DA Saia.
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D. A. Saia, MA, RT(R)(M) is the Editor-in-Chief of RadReview. She has been active in radiography education for almost 40 years. Saia pursued her professional radiography studies at Danbury Hospital (Danbury, CT) and received her graduate degree in education from Sacred Heart University (Fairfield, CT). Saia served as Radiography Program Director at Danbury Hospital for several years. She later directed the Radiography Program at the Stamford Health System (Stamford, CT) for more than 30 years. She is currently an Adjunct Professor at Manhattanville College. Saia has been active in state and regional professional societies and has lectured extensively at local, state, and regional professional meetings. Her other McGraw Hill products include Radiography PREP, Lange Q&A: Radiography Examination, and Radiography Review Flashcards.
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