Live Session Date: Feb 22, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. ET.
AccessMedicine features a variety of materials for students, clerks, faculty, residents, and practicing providers with titles, cases, point-of-care references, study tools, and more. Join us in this live session where we will explore what’s new and updated in the site, including:
- Leading textbooks in internal medicine and medical specialties, including Harrison’s, CMDT, and titles for DEI
- Clinical reference tools, including new primary care guidelines and Huppert’s Notes
- High-yield infographics
- Procedural videos, podcasts, digital anatomy tools, and more in multimedia
- Review Q&A for board exam preparation and recertification
- Real-life patient scenarios for CBL
- Features and benefits of a MyAccess profile
- Instructor tools for integrating content
- User supports, including videos, user guides, and content maps
Reach out to with any questions.
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The Access User Center contains information for librarians and end users of the McGraw Hill Medical suite of Access and Collection websites.